GSBC History

Our Background

The NASA Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) established the NASA Industry Forum (NIF) late in 2013. The organization met twice each year, with membership comprising representation from both small & Large businesses from each of ten NASA Centers. The intent was to foster an exchange of center-level ideas and issues with other centers and the agency, all towards advancing the NASA Small Business Program.
By 2016, most NASA centers had established a Small Business Council as an adjunct to their participation in the NIF. Goddard was notably missing, initially relying upon the GCA. However, with the encouragement of the OSBP, small business membership within the GCA met and formed the Goddard Small Business Council in 2017 to promote the interests and growth of SBs in the Goddard environment.
In November of 2017, the first formal meeting of the GSBC was held to enact bylaws and vote for organizational leadership. A panel discussion on goals and expectations was led by Center Director Chris Scolese and Glenn Delgado, Assoc Administrator. Other GSFC attendees included Ann Haase (GSFC SB Office), Mike McGrath (Procurement), and Jerome Bennett (SB Technical Advisor).
The GSBC bylaws established quarterly meetings, annual elections of officers, and a representative from the Goddard SB Office to serve as the principal liaison to assist with elections and coordinate other activities as appropriate.

GSBC Timeline

March 20, 2017
Initial Meeting of GSFC NIF members
March 22, 2017
Same group meets with GSFC SB Specialist, Ann Haase
April 4, 2017
Core group of Goddard industry members has preliminary meeting to introduce GSBC concept and determine interest(held after GCA meeting)
April 28, 2017
NIF members meet to prepare for May 4th meeting with SBs
May 2017
Kick-off meeting for Small Business Council Initiative and met with GSFC Management
November 2017
Goddard SB Council first formal meeting enacting by-laws, voting for leadership, etc.
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