Three elected officers will lead the Council: President, Vice President, and Secretary. Officer terms will run for one year, commencing on October of each year.
Elections to be held annually in the month of September. Nominations, including self-nomination, shall be solicited 60 days prior to the start of the officer terms each calendar year, and publicized to the then-current members. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot vote of the member companies, with one vote allowed per company. The GSFC Small Business Office will be requested to assist in the election process to assure fairness.
Meetings of the Council will normally be held quarterly and/or as required. Attendance at meetings will be restricted to the Member companies' primary and/or alternate representatives or alternates. Substitution attendees will be welcomed, so long as no more than two representatives from a single company attend any meeting.
The Council may appoint ad hoc or permanent committees to carry out work determined to be of interest to the members. Committees may be staffed by individuals with an interest and competence in the subject-matter, selected from the staffs of member companies.
To facilitate operations, there shall be a standing Board of Directors comprised of: the President; the Vice President; and the Secretary.
There shall also be a Nominations Committee comprised of: The Outgoing President; the Past President; a representative from the GSFC Small Business Office; and others as required and designated by the President.
Other committees, as required, shall be established by the Board of Directors.
GSFC Small Business Office (GSBO) Representative
The GSFC Small Business Office will assign a staff member as principal liaison to the Council to assist with the Officer elections and to help coordinate GSBO and SBC activities, as appropriate.
Duties of Officers
Leads Council; approves agenda for and chairs meetings; principal contact for the Council; extends invitation to guests at meetings; has signatory authority.
Vice President
Working with designated GSBO Representative and Council members, develops the agenda for meetings and makes arrangements. Acts for the President in his/her absence or other non-availability; special duties as assigned; acts for Secretary when latter not available. Has signatory authority when designated by the President.
Records and distributes the minutes of meetings if applicable; distributes the agenda and other notices; maintains file of SBC documentation; tracks attendance; acts for President in the absence or other non-availability of the President and Vice President.
Bylaw Revisions
The Bylaws will be reviewed annually, after the elections, to ensure the Council is meeting the intended purpose. Suggested revisions to the Bylaws and/or any operational guidelines, including dissolution of the Council, may be recommended by any member.
Approval of proposed Bylaw revisions will require a two-thirds vote majority of all submitted votes from member representatives.
Any contractor can decline to participate in any activity that may cause legal or marketing concerns for that company(ies).